Myths and Facts About Laser Tattoo Removal

Tattoos have simple and intricate designs that have been used as forms of self-expression, declarations of love, charms, or symbols of cultural and religious beliefs. While some people love getting tattoos, others want to remove them completely or partially due to personal or professional reasons.


People who want their tattoos removed  may consider undergoing laser tattoo removal. However, along with its popularity are the myths surrounding it It is essential to  understand laser tattoo removal facts and debunk myths to clear your doubts about this procedure. To guide you, here are 8 common laser tattoo removal myths and the facts that set them straight.


8 Common Myths and Facts Regarding Laser Tattoo Removal


Myth 1: Laser Tattoo Removal Is Painful.

Fact: Getting a tattoo is more painful than laser removal. There is little discomfort due to the effect of the laser beam on the skin. Patients who underwent the procedure often compare the feeling to getting flicked with a rubber band. An anesthetic cream or local anesthesia is administered and a blower is used to cool the skin to minimize any discomfort during the treatment.


Myth 2: Laser Tattoo Removal Leaves Scars.

Fact: It does not leave a scar or damage your skin. The laser only penetrates the epidermis (outer layer of skin) and reaches the dermis where the tattoo ink is deposited. The heat is absorbed by the ink which causes its disintegration. Enough time is also allocated between the procedure and any follow-ups to let your skin heal properly. 


Myth 3: Laser Tattoo Removal Can Burn The Skin.

Fact: The laser energy pulse shatters the tattoo ink layers into tiny fragments that the body can remove. It only targets the pigment and not the skin. Laser tattoo removal procedure keeps your skin safe and never burns or overheats it.


Myth 4: Laser Technology Can Remove Tattoos In One Session.

Fact: A tattoo frequently needs more than one session to remove it. Several factors can influence the number of your laser tattoo removal sessions.


  • spot where the tattoo is located on the body

  • depth and consistency of the ink used

  • type of tattoo (i.e. amateur, professional, or tribal)

  • overall immune health of the patient


Tattoos done by professionals can be removed within 5 to 10 sessions. It needs a few sessions to get the level of fade required to get a new artwork applied to your body if you want to cover an old tattoo.


Myth 5: Laser Tattoo Removal Is Expensive.

Fact: The cost of the treatment depends on several factors such as the size, location, colors, and type of ink used. The price is lower when removing smaller and single-colored tattoos because it requires only fewer sessions.


Myth 6: Laser Does Not Work on Multicolored Tattoos.

Fact: Laser tattoo removal can eliminate all ink colors. Modern laser systems utilize four different wavelengths simultaneously to remove various colors like black, orange, purple, green, or blue. This technology can shatter the pigment into small particles which are then naturally flushed out of the body.


Myth 7: Schedule of Laser Tattoo Removal Appointments Are Every Week.

Fact: Every appointment has a gap of six to eight weeks. This gives the skin the time to completely heal before the next treatment.


Myth 8: Laser Tattoo Removal Does Not Work on Dark Skin.

Fact: Laser can remove the ink on all skin tones and types. But it may take longer when it comes to darker skin tones since it requires more precision and caution. Melanin in the skin can absorb heat from the laser so the settings must be kept low.


ALSO READ: Tattoo Removal Options You Need To Know


Some people want to have tattoos while others want to get rid of them completely or partially due to personal or professional reasons. One of the best options to eliminate them is through laser tattoo removal. However, several myths about it dissuade people from getting this treatment. So it is essential to know the laser tattoo removal facts to clear your doubts and debunk the myths.  


Skin MD’s team of board-certified dermatologists now offers Quanta System Laser Tattoo Removal. It is safe for all skin types and works with almost all ink colors. The complete treatment may take 5 to 10 sessions depending on ink depth. Laser tattoo removal is the best option for people who need to eliminate their tattoos completely or partially. Our dermatologists can assist you with a safe and effective tattoo removal procedure. Need assistance to remove an unwanted tattoo?