Skin Tags Causes: 7 Factors that Put You at Risk

Skin aging happens as fat, moisture, and elasticity are lost in the skin. The skin undergoes changes and along with them are conditions that become more common as people age such as skin tags.

While skin tags are commonly associated with aging, there are other underlying factors that make a person more vulnerable to this skin condition. It helps to know the most common skin tags causes to assess your risk. 

What are Skin Tags?

Skin tags are small and soft growths on the skin. They vary in size and color but usually take the shade of the skin. They can grow from a few millimeters up to 5cm in size. 

Skin tags commonly appear in areas where skin rubs against skin or clothing, such as the following areas:

  • Neck

  • Underarms

  • Groin area

  • Under the breasts

Research shows that around 50% to 60% of adults will develop at least one skin tag in their lifetime with higher chances of occurrence after 40 years of age. Its prevalence is high and there are factors that put a person at greater risk.

Skin Tags Causes that Put You at Risk

1. Genetics 

Genetics is one of the risk factors that increases the onset of skin tags in both men and women. If you have parents or siblings with skin tags, chances are you’ll develop these skin growths too.

2. Gender

Women are more prone to skin tags. This is due to the hormonal fluctuations experienced by women, particularly during menopause and pregnancy.

3. Aging

As people age, there are also changes that occur in the skin. Aging causes the production of collagen and elastin to slow down. These proteins play an essential role in maintaining healthy and youthful-looking skin. The risk of skin tags increases along with the loss of these proteins.

4. Obesity

Being overweight or obese contributes to the growth of skin tags. Excessive weight gain, causes skin areas to rub against each other. It also induces metabolic changes in the body which results in the excessive production of skin cells.

5. Metabolic Disorders

Certain metabolic disorders can increase the growth of skin tags in the body.


Insulin resistance is a factor that causes skin tags to grow in the body. Their appearance may be an indication of underlying insulin issues. People who have a lot of skin tags are recommended to consult a doctor to rule out diabetes.

High Cholesterol

Another underlying health issue that may trigger skin tags is high cholesterol. According to a study, aside from obesity, skin tags are more likely to occur with dyslipidemia, a lipid imbalance, which includes high cholesterol levels and hypertension.

6. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Aside from dark skin patches, one of the manifestations of PCOS is skin tags. PCOS causes hormone imbalances which put women with the condition at higher risk for skin tags to erupt and appear in various areas of the body.

7. Human Papillomavirus Infections

Skin tags in the groin area are common among people with HPV, a sexually transmitted virus that can increase a person’s risk for certain types of cancers, such as cervical cancer in women and penile cancer in men. Although HPV doesn’t cause skin tags, it is a factor in its development. People with HPV, have an increased chance of getting these growths. 

HPV can be confused with skin tags. To be sure and be given proper treatment and medication, have it checked by a Dermatologist.

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Skin tags may not be harmless but they bring changes to your skin and affect your overall confidence. Skin tags are a nuisance and it’s best to get rid of them.

Fortunately, there’s a safe and effective way to get rid of skin tags. Skin MD’s team of board-certified dermatologists offers Medical Dermatology and can assist you with any skin concern. Visit our skin clinic in Ortigas or inquire about our dermatology services so we can help improve your overall well-being through treatments that can give your skin the best kind of care.