Post-Summer Tips to Get Your Skin Back in Shape

After all the sun and sand of the summer months, you might notice that your skin’s not as healthy as it used to be. It may feel a little dry or begin to show spots that definitely weren’t there before. You could even say that it has lost its radiance to stay in sync with the start of the rainy season. 

Fortunately, you don’t have to be stuck with dull post-summer skin. Get your skin back into shape with these 5 post-summer skincare tips!

5 Post-Summer Skincare Tips

1. Fix Sun Damage Stat

Noticed any new sun spots on your face? Or realized that you now have unevenly colored skin, with pale patches shaped like your swimsuit or sunglasses? You can’t undo sun damage, but you can take steps to gently restore your skin.

Try out a dark spot corrector to make those sun spots fade. Better yet, ask your dermatologist if you can avail of Elos™ skin rejuvenation. This state-of-the-art procedure combines bipolar radio frequencies and focused light to even out your skin tone. On top of that, it leaves your skin youthful and firm!

2. Give Your Skin a Deep Cleanse

Aside from priceless memories, your summer adventures have probably left layers of dirt and grime on your skin. Add the city smog from your first day back from vacation, and you get large pores ready to break out into unsightly pimples. You’ve given your psyche a detox through your getaway, so now it’s time to follow up by detoxing your pores! 

Go for a pore minimizing facial for clear, smooth skin. Think of it as one more chance to pamper yourself before returning to the daily grind.

3. Pile On the Moisturizer

The classic summer combo of saltwater, UV rays, and pool water chlorine is more than enough to leave your skin sad and dehydrated. Help your skin heal back up with moisturizers, creams, and oils. Spray moisturizers with vitamins C and E. You’ll especially want to apply these after washing your face or patting your skin dry post-shower!

Need a boost of moisture for your skin? Hyaluronic acid fillers like Restylane can hydrate your skin from the inside while lessening the appearance of wrinkles.

4. Exfoliate

Your skin sheds 500 million cells daily. With that much debris, it’ll need your help to keep looking fresh! Pamper your skin with a gentle scrub, or treat yourself to a luxurious diamond peel to reveal beautiful new skin.

5. Give Your Lips Attention

Many people tend to neglect their lips, no matter the season! Aside from drying out quickly, the lips lack melanin and get sunburnt easily. You’d better include them in your post-summer skincare plans. 

Hydrate your lips with a balm that contains Vitamin E, oils, or aloe vera. It helps if the same balm has SPF to keep your lips healthy under the sun. You can also find an exfoliating lip scrub to deal with patches of dry skin.

Need more help solving your post-summer skin woes? The board-certified dermatologists of Skin MD are ready to give you a hand! Whether your skin needs a deep cleanse, a soothing scrub, or a boost of moisture, we have just the right treatment for you. Contact us today and let us help you get your post-summer skin back into shape!

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